A committee that oversees parks in Charleston could soon push forward a bill to make all of the city's recreational property tobacco free.
The proposal was discussed Monday during a city of Charleston Parks and Recreation Committee meeting at the Roosevelt Center. Committee members did not vote, nor was a policy draft presented, but removing tobacco from parks property was supported by all who were present.
Committee chairwoman Susan Salisbury, who represents Charleston's 12th ward, said the tobacco ban for park facilities could be similar to those found in other cities around the state. Tobacco free policies for parks and recreation facilities have been adopted by municipalities in 21 counties.
Salisbury said she would be "all in" on making city of Charleston property tobacco free, but said enforcing a ban cannot require more responsibilities for police.
"We can't take an officer off the street to tell someone to put out a cigarette," she said.
While committee members were all open to having tobacco-free parks facilities, they weren't unanimous on whether to do so in one sweeping action or to slowly implement the ban. They debated whether an ordinance should be written or have parks and recreation facilities added to the city's existing list of tobacco-free locations, like Haddad Riverfront Park.
Committee member Courtney Persinger, who represents Charleston's 14th ward, said the removing tobacco at community centers should be the first move, but that the city should ease into the ban by adding other locations one at a time.
"We can take baby steps," he said, later adding that banning tobacco use on all parks property would create an "enforcement headache."
He went on to say a smoking ban at Live on the Levee has cleaned up the event, though he doubted smoking at places like Slack Plaza could be reined in.
"That's out Alamo," he said.
Committee members also suggested placing more cigarette receptacles near parks property as a way to cut down on litter.
Salisbury said she will ask the city attorney's office to draft a bill for consideration at the committee's next meeting, which will be at noon on Nov. 19 at the North Charleston Community Center.
Committee members also discussed the possibility of asking Mayor Danny Jones to consider extending a tobacco ban to all city grounds.
Reach Samuel Speciale at sam.speciale@wvgazettemail.com, 304-348-7939 or follow @samueljspeciale on Twitter.