St. Albans City Council voted Monday night to advance an ordinance that will change how elections are held in the city.
"We have drawn up an ordinance which would amend the City Charter of St. Albans," said Charles Riffee, city attorney. "The amendment would be to go to a non-partisan election."
The public will have 30 days read and consider the amendment and file any objections to it. There will be no action on the amendment itself until December, Riffee said.
"The main reason for this is the political parties have not been functioning, even to the point of not being able to fill vacancies to council," Riffee said.
The amendment also calls for St. Albans elections to take place at the same time as county and state elections and changes to terms of elected officials, according to Riffe.
"Another proposed amendment [in the ordinance] is to modify the terms of council and other elected officials," Riffee said. "In 2017, the Council and mayor will serve three year terms instead of four year terms so we will be in sync with, at that time, following the state primary election. Thereafter, mayor and Council will serve four year terms."
Ward 2 Councilman Jason Philabaun made a motion for approval to put the new voting ordinance on the record and to announce a public hearing on the ordinance amendment. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Also Monday, Ward 4 Councilwoman Cheryl Thomas introduced the WV Property Rescue Initiative Program by WV Hub through a representative from the organization.
Nicole Marrocco, the abandoned property coalition coordinator of WV PRI, gave a presentation at Monday evening's meeting.
"The Hub is a state wide nonprofit that helps communities and sector stakeholders come together to set goals for their future and connects them to the rich network of resources they need to reach those goals," Marrocco said. "The program was established through legislation in 2015 to provide cities and counties with technical assistance to remove dilapidated residential buildings from their communities."
Marrocco announced a meeting from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Oct. 27 in the basement of St. Albans City Hall to provide more information about the WV Hub program.
In other action, council voted to advance to second reading, by unanimous voice vote, an ordinance to vacate and abandon a portion of 4th Street between MacCorkle Avenue and 3rd Avenue.
"It is not used, there are safety reasons [to abandon the lot]," Riffee said. "It is abandoned so that it becomes the property of the adjoining lots but it is still subject to utility use."
Council also voted to finalize the Annual Festival of Lights dates for Nov. 25 through Dec. 26. Council approved the dates by unanimous voice vote.
Council approved payment of current invoices in the amount of $9,498.50.
All members of council were present except Councilman-At-Large John Boles, because of prolonged illness, and Ward 5 Councilman Christopher Withrow.
Council's next meeting will be 7:30 p.m. Nov. 7 on the second floor of the municipal building at 51 Sixth Ave.