A portion of U.S. 119 about a half mile off the Mink Shoals exit of Interstate 79 reopened around 6 p.m. Monday after workers finished responding to two rockslides.
That's according to Department of Transportation spokeswoman Carrie Bly, who said workers were cleaning up the first rockslide when mud and rock fell at about midnight Monday. A DOT worker had to jump off a piece of equipment to avoid being hit, she said. The worker was not hurt, and the equipment was not damaged.
The first slide occurred shortly after 2 p.m. Sunday at 2860 Pennsylvania Ave., in Crede, when two large boulders fell. One portion of the rock landed off the side of the road and another was in the road.
Before the section reopened, Bly said the DOT was asking drivers to use the Big Chimney exit of I-79 to bypass the slide.
She said the work took some time because the closest haul site is an hour away, at the London fire department.