Dunbar City Council returned to business Monday evening with a light agenda to start off the new year.
Council members voted unanimously to adjust the city's 2015 - 2016 budget through a resolution.
"Every year we do budget revisions a couple times of year," Dunbar Mayor Terry Greenlee said.
Greenlee said the action is merely procedural.
Council members voted to renew the city's annual Customer Support Agreement at a cost of $6,220.
The computer-based system is used by the city clerk's office.
Following the meeting, Greenlee looked ahead to what he considers exciting community projects on the horizon for the city.
The comments segment of Monday's meeting was peppered with praise for the city's Christmas lights. It was the first year the city had such an impressive display, Greenlee said.
The lights, and other improvements throughout the city, are all part of Dunbar's Phase I streetscape project.
"They love it," Greenlee said of the improved streetscape. "It's changing the face of Dunbar."
In Spring 2016, Dunbar will begin Phase II of the streetscape improvement program, Greenlee said.
That phase of the project will focus on bringing new sidewalks, lights and other aesthetic enhancements to the area of 10th Street down to 14th Street.
The city is actually saving some money through the program's implementation of more energy efficient LED lights, Greenlee added.
Number one on Greenlee's 2016 priorities is breathing life into City Hall's basement. Greenlee along with input from other city officials and community seniors have designed a plan for a new state-of-the-art senior center in City Hall's basement.
In 2014 and 2015, the city applied for a $75,000 state grant that would enable to city to construct a senior center that is more centrally located and that has more activity options.
The city's senior center used to be located in City Hall, but seniors now use the city's recreation center on Dunbar's West Side.
"I'd love to have the center open by spring for our seniors to enjoy their time," Greenlee said.
The new senior center will include a full kitchen, a sewing room, television room and a host of other activities lacking at the current venue.
In other business, council:
n Approved Dec. 17 public hearing minutes
n Approved Dec. 21 meeting minutes
n Fire Chief Butch Ellis announced Dunbar Fire Department is accepting applications for new recruits - age 18 to 35 - through Feb. 5
n Set the next city council meeting date for Tuesday, Jan. 19, as Dunbar City Hall will be closed Jan. 18 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.