Nitro City Council unanimously voted to support Gov. Jim Justice's Roads to Prosperity amendment, which will be brought before the voters on Oct. 7.
If passed, this bond will not increase taxes. During the 2017 Legislative session, numerous tax increases were passed, including a gas tax increase, Division of Motor Vehicle fee increase and toll increases; these increases make up the revenue that will fund the $1.6 billion road bond. The city approved a resolution to support it.
"This bond will help over $1.6 billion worth of road work projects, including the Nitro-St. Albans interstate bridge," said Mayor Dave Casebolt. "I am encouraging people to support it so we can get the traffic issues fixed."
For more information on this bond, visit the Department of Transportation's website.
Casebolt also announced that the Riverfront Park project should start next week. This project includes stabilizing the riverbank, building sidewalks to the river as well as parallel to the river. There will be three picnic shelters, a plaza area that will host the WV Riverfest next summer and a stage to host entertainment. This project, estimated to cost around $750,000, has been paid for in full by the city's sales tax.
"There's a functional reason and a recreational reason for this project," Councilwoman Laurie Elkins said. "Functionally, this project will protect utility passages, such a gas lines and power lines. Recreationally, this project will give citizens more places to walk and venues for entertainment to bring people into the city."
The project is estimated to be completed in early 2018.
Council also approved a Halloween-themed race to be held from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Oct. 13. The race will start and finish at the high school.
"It's a healthy activity and it gets people out doing things in the community," said Elkins.
Councilwoman Donna Boggs shared that on Nov. 11, the Wagging Tails and Nitro Ales event will be hosted on 21st Street and 2nd Avenue. There will be a chili cook-off challenge, a craft brew festival and vendors.
Council also:
n Declared an extension to receive bids regarding a new riding lawn mower for public works
n Announced that the city's taxes had been filed and notarized in a timely fashion.