Emergency field communications will be set up Friday through Sunday at Coonskin Park, Area 73, by local amateur radio operators, "hams," operating using emergency power and a field set up of antennas and radios to test and illustrate their ability to respond and provide communications in the event of an emergency. One of the purposes of amateur radio is the ability to provide emergency communications to supplement and assist first responders and local governments.
Visitors are welcome. Enter the park at the new bridge on U.S. 119, and continue past the golf course and pool. Area 73 is located up the hill above area 20. Follow the signs to Area 20 and continue on Woodland Circle to near the top of the hill.
Equipment setup will begin at 5 p.m. on Friday. This will involve installing antennas, installing emergency power generators and lighting, and installing radios, computers and related equipment into trailers for the operators.
On the Air operation will be continuous from 2 p.m. Saturday until 2 p.m. Sunday. Operators will generally operate in one- or two-hour shifts. All of the operators are volunteers and most of the equipment is the property of the Kanawha Amateur Radio Club. These stations will all operate under the call sign of the club, W8GK (w8gk.org).
Multiple antennas will be set up also for the stations and several stations operating in different modes. All power will be provided by emergency generators on site. All operators are FCC licensed amateurs.
A covered dish meal is served at 6 p.m. Saturday at no charge. Bring a covered dish if you wish.
For information, contact Paul R. Ostand, W8SBH Public Information Officer (Kanawha Amateur Radio Club-KARC) 304-984-2889. On site contacts: Mark Kozar (KM8G), Ann Rinehart (KA8ZGY) or Paul Ostand (W8SBH).